
Access Control System

Park Center is equipped with an access control system. The perimeter doors of the buildings are locked from 6:00 PM to 7:00 AM.

Employees may gain access to the buildings with their activated security access badge by placing their badge in close proximity to the proximity reader. There is a proximity reader located outside the main lobby doors. At the front door, the proximity reader will scan your access badge, a green light on the reader will illuminate and you will hear the bolt release. You can enter the building through the door closest to the reader. The door will automatically close and lock behind you. It is important not to let any individuals enter with you.

(NO TAILGATING - each person must badge in for security / safety reasons.)

The building entrance lobby doors will be unlocked at 7:00 AM (unless there is an emergency) and will remain unlocked until 6:00 PM, Monday through Friday. All other hours, including Saturday and Sunday, require an access badge to enter the premises. From 6:00 PM to 7:00 AM, all lobby doors will be locked and will require an access badge to enter.

Visitors of State Farm are asked to check in at the security desk.