

There is a security guard located in the lobby of Park Center Phase I & II at or near the security console desk. His or her presence in the lobby helps deter theft and vandalism in the building, but in the event of a problem, he or she will notify the police.

The security guard is not armed, and should not be expected to physically intervene under any circumstances. They are there to observe, monitor and report.

It is Park Center’s policy to maintain a work environment that is safe for all persons, including the community, and conducive to attaining high work standards. To achieve these objectives, Park Center has prohibited firearms and weapons. It is Park Center’s policy to maintain a firearms and weapons free work place and prohibit the possession of firearms and weapons regardless of any license or permit that an individual may have which would otherwise authorize the individual to carry firearms or weapons. This policy is strictly enforced throughout the entire site which includes Park Center Phase I and Park Center Phase II (Buildings 2 and 3) as well as all related parking structures.

(a) Firearm: A weapon, a pistol or rifle, whether loaded or unloaded, capable of firing a projectile and using an explosive as a propellant. (b) Weapons: An instrument of attack or defense. (c) Office: All permanent facilities, all mobile facilities, and all leased facilities. (d) Parking Garage: All garages at the facility or project site.