Q: How do I request a service call?
A: NetFacilities Work Order System
Q: How do I request additional space?
A: Property Management
Q: What do I do when my office is too cold or too hot?
A: NetFacilities Work Order System
Q: Who do I contact for vending machine problems?
A: All of the vending machines have a sticker on them with a telephone number and a serial number. Once the phone number is dialed, the call center identifies the specific machine by the serial number and expedites a resolution to any service issues including refunds.
Q: Can I bike to work?
A: Yes - self-parking bicycle racks are located:
Park Center-Phase I on the B-1 level of the parking garage.
Park Center-Phase II Building 2 there are bike racks located on the street level throughout various hardscape locations surrounding the property.
Q: Where can I park?
A: All State Farm employees are to park in the designated State Farm locations which include:
Park Center-Phase I upper levels 2-8 and B2-B4.
Park Center-Phase II Building 2 upper levels 2-8 and B1-B2
Q: Where can I smoke?
A: Park Center- Phase I ash receptacles are located on the NW corner of Level 2.
Park Center-Phase II Building 2 Two ash receptacles are located on the SE corner Level 8.
Q: I am sensitive to the light, how do I request an adjustment to my lighting?
A: NetFacilities work order system
Q: Can I bring in a space heater?
A: Not allowed at Park Center.
Q: Can I bring in a coffee maker or other appliance?
A: Not allowed at Park Center.
Q: I work after the building’s normal hours, how do I request lighting, heating and/or air conditioning?
A: NetFacilities work order system.
Q: How do I charge my electric vehicle?
A: See charging instructions. Charging stations are located: Park Center Phase II Building 2 on the B1 level of the parking garage.